Remediation Steps

As an immediate step, remove and eliminate the water and the moisture present.

The primary steps to be taken are:

  • Remove all the flood water you can by pumping it out, or any other method, like by the bucketful.
  • Move  all and everything loose and not fixed to a wall or floor OUT to allow to dry.
  • Mop all the wet surfaces
  • Open all the windows available,  if present.
  • Set up multiple fans across the room to increase ventilation
  • If carpeted, either remove the carpet altogether or have it suspended off the floor by some supports, like plastic milk crates or similar.  Blow air in that void until mostly dry.  And do the same across the whole area.  After a day or two, the carpet may be worthless, unless it is weather-proof.
  • A special attential should be spent addressing the walls.  Any drywall, if not taken care of right away, will absorb the water it is in contact with and will start growing mold behind it (inside the wall, on both sides of the partition.

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